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I Read Comics

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Conan Action Figure

Here he is, Mr. Barbarian. Although this model is based on Barry Smith's art, I don't think he's quite the Supermodel I want him to be. This is available from Dark Horse.

This figure has what I call "wedge man" syndrome - that is, he is wedge-shaped, with the tapered end at the bottom. He looks like the guy I used to see at the gym who did a thousand bench presses and never worked on his legs. I overheard him telling someone that he never worked on his legs because it wasn't worth it: "I'm just cursed with skinny legs."

Thanks to Bruce R. at KomicsKast for cluing me in!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Watchmen - Absolute Edition

Ding ding ding ding ding!

We have a winner for lowest price on Watchmen: Absolute Edition - from our good friends at Discount Comic Book Service, only $41.25!

Thanks to everyone who sent in information.

Preorder yours today! Ships on Oct 5, 2005

PS. Podcast coming later this week. Promise.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Show #10 - Sept. 17

Show 10 on MP3

Correction from last time: Molly Kiely testified for Jim Goad's "Answer Me!"; read Ginger Mayerson's essay on Molly
New pages of Schadenfreude
I finally read Watchmen
Comic Book Online Database
Review of Fantastic Four/Spiderman Classic
Glen O'Neill's Comics Fight Club podcast
Support your local library!

Music, as always, by Mayerson.

A proud member of the Comics Podcasts Network!

This podcast is sponsored by the Lincoln Heights Literary Society - Ontology On the Go!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

This week's library score

Trade paperbacks:

Fantastic Four/Spiderman Classic (2005 release)
Alan Moore's Watchmen (1995 release)

Reviews in next week's show.

I love the library!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Show #9 - Sept 9

Show 9 on MP3

Will this show be weekly? Only time will tell. Enjoy it while you can.

Buckaroo Bonzai will be a comic book!
Sticky #3 (deal with it)
Molly Kiely totally rocks (and I'll send you a copy of Inquisitor if you want)
Alan Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing
Brian Michael Bendis' Fortune and Glory
Neil Kleid and Jake Allen's Brownsville
Year One, a really funny webcomic by Mike Parkinson
My new favorite comics blog - Dave's Long Box

Did I recommend enough stuff in this show? Jeez! I love everything!

Music, as always, by Mayerson.

Now a proud member of the Comics Podcasts Network!

This podcast is sponsored by the Lincoln Heights Literary Society - Ontology On the Go!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

LOTR thing

This is the cool piece of Lord of the Rings swag that I got at Skywalker Ranch while they were cleaning house. I guess someone who works there got it at the Trilogy showing and didn't want it anymore. And now it's mine, all mine, precious, yes.

Click on each of the images to get a VERY large version, to see details (incuding the reflection of my camera...)



Here is the only info I can find about this object, from the news archive at The One Ring, dated Nov 2003:

"As we countdown to the World Premiere of the final instalment of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the Embassy Theatre in Wellington is preparing for yet another unique event in conjunction with Tolkien's trilogy - a one-off screening of all 3 films back-to-back on Wednesday 17 December.The first 400 marathon viewers will receive a stunning commemorative desktop item made of solid pewter that incorporates images from each film and this collectible will not be available anywhere else in Australasia. We are advised that this has been created by Peter Jackson and the Weta Workshop. Each of the pieces will be unique and different, containing original film frames from The Fellowship Of The Ring, The Two Towers and The Return Of The King."

So apparently these were given out at Trilogy showings around the US, too. I didn't see the Trilogy in theatres, but my friends and I watched both extended versions the same day we went to see the premiere of ROTK.

Does this have anything to do with comics? No. But I had to show off my swag.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Show #8 - Sept. 2

Show 8 on MP3

Yeah, I know, you thought I gave it up, didn't you? THINK AGAIN!

Why not to buy your superhero undies at Target
X-Men/TNG crossover book Planet X
Karl Christian's Schadenfreude
The new Nancy Drew from PaperCutz
Bruce R's Komics Kast!
A thought about comic book shops

Music, as always, by Mayerson.

Now a proud member of the Comics Podcasts Network!

This podcast is sponsored by the Lincoln Heights Literary Society - Ontology On the Go!

Look at Nancy Drew's tits!